HDF5-group-of-groups The NASA Measures Freeze/Thaw ESDR is a long-term global 25KM daily freeze thaw state dataset. NASA_Measures_Freeze_Thaw F/T edition 5.1 2016-11-07 Kim Y. J. S. Kimball and J. Glassy. 2016. MEaSUREs Global Record of Daily Landscape Freeze/Thaw Status Version 5.1 [1979 to 2023]. Boulder Colorado USA: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media (http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/MEASURES/CRYOSPHERE/nsidc-0477.004). F/T codes for ESDR domain extent are (0 1 2 3 ) with all other pixels outside F/T domain 0 -- Frozen (AM/PM frozen) RGB{0 0 255) in color images 1 -- Thawed (AM/PM thawed) RGB{255 0 0) in color images 2 -- Transitional (AM frozen and PM thawed) RGB{168 168 0) in color images 3 -- Inverse Transitional (PM frozen and AM thawed) RGB{76 230 0) in color images 252 -- No data defined. RGB{255 255 255} in color images 253 -- non-cold constraint area RGB{200 200 200} in color images 254 -- 100 Percent open water RGB{255 255 255} in color images 255 -- Fillvalue RGB{255 255 255} in color images Definition of the Freeze Thaw v5 pixel-wise classification by instr-year-Overpass-DayOfYear combination. AM refers to morning overpass CO refers to combined morning and afternoon overpass PM refers to afternoon overpass 0:Brightness temperatures (Tb) were NOT interpolated and 1: Tb WAS interpolated for this pixel. 0:Open water fraction of pixel is less than or equal to 20%; and 1: Open water fraction is >20% for this pixel/day. 0:Elevation Gradient less than or equal to 300m for this pixel; and 1: Large elevation gradient >300m for this pixel. 0:NO large precip event occurred on this pixel/day; and 1: Large precip event DID OCCUR on this pixel/day. v1 ./AMSRE v1 Version 5.1 NASA MEASURES FREEZE THAW Metadata Version 5.1 ./SMMR v1 ./SSMI v1 V5.1 FREEZE_THAW_Algorithm_Version_5.1 NSIDC-TBD 2009-07-03 NASA MEaSUREs: Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (NNH06ZDA001N) An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State 2023-03-27 ft_qc directInternal Percent of F/T domain lacking a valid QC classification Percent of Missing Data Percent 0 directInternal Percent of F/T QC domain falling within a predefined acceptable range of measure. Percent of F/T QC data that are within the acceptable range. Percent 100.0 ft_status directInternal Percent of F/T domain lacking a F/T classification Percent of Missing Data Percent 0 directInternal Percent of F/T domain falling within a predefined acceptable range of measure. Percent of F/T status data that are within the acceptable range. Percent 100.0 FreezeThaw_status An HDF5 product that contains statistical information on data product results. These statistics enable data producers and users to assess the quality of the data in the data product granule. 2025-03-04T09:04:01.581129 @MACRO v5.1 1356af32-0dc8-11e7-8ef0-2fc36935f400 This NASA Freeze Thaw Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) version 5.1 global data 25km resolution product applies to the 1979-2023 extended earth science data record. v5.1 The NASA Measures Freeze/Thaw status data product provides global daily freeze thaw status at 25 km resolution. utf8 2025-03-04T09:04:01.581129 The software that generates the Freeze/Thaw data product was developed by the University of Montana Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) and was transferred to the NASA data archive (DAAC) facility at the National Snow and Ice Data Center for public access. SSMI_37V_AM_FT_2022_day001.h5 english NASA Measures Freeze Thaw Daily 25km global freeze thaw status 1979-2023 Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) University of Montana Missoula MT. USA The Freeze Thaw status data product provides spatially and temporally complete Freeze Thaw status information from 1979-2023 at a daily resolution globally at 25 km for science and applications users. FREEZE-THAW onGoing geoscientificInformation 1979-2023 2023 global 25km 1979 NASA Measures Freeze Thaw global daily dataset daily 5.1 NASA Measures Freeze Thaw domain TBD-describe here 179.999994 86.716744 86.716744 2025-03-04T09:04:01.581129 2025-03-04T09:04:01.581129 -86.716744 -179.999994 86.716744 -1.8E-6 -4.3E-6 -1.7334193538E7 -7344784.825 1.7334193537E7 -7344784.825 meters -1.7334193538E7 7344784.825 1.7334193537E7 7344784.825 0.0 0.0 179.999994 86.716744 -179.999994 86.716744 179.999994 -86.716744 -179.999994 -86.716744 decimal_degrees EASEGRID v1.0 by NSIDC EASEGRID meters v1.0 varies-by-latitude 25 km on average varies-by-longitude 25 km on average 1383 25 km on average 586 25 km on average 2009-07-03 NASA MEaSUREs: Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (NNH06ZDA001N) An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State v1 v1.7.9-2017-07-24T10:00-07:00 Freeze Thaw daily global status at 25km resolution for 1979-2023 umt-FREEZE-THAW-v4_0 2009-07-03 2009-07-03 NASA MEaSUREs: Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (NNH06ZDA001N) An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State 2.45154e+06 2000-01-01T11:58:55.816Z FT_post-processor-software (Python v3.7) Freeze Thaw status uses {SSMI SMMR AMSR-E AMSR2} data within a daily global model to generate spatially complete and temporally continuous estimates of freeze thaw state at 25km. Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) University of Montana 001 37V SSMI AM 2022 v1.8-2023-03-27T05:17:00-07:00 Freeze Thaw status post-processor software ft_postproc.py 2025-03-04T09:04:01.581137 J2000 v5.2 N/A ft_status Youngwook Kim John S. Kimball Joseph Glassy http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/MEASURES/CRYOSPHERE/nsidc-0477.004 v4 2016-03-31 A Global Data Record of Daily Landscape Freeze/Thaw status Version 5.1 V5.2 The NASA Measures Freeze Thaw earth science data record (1979-2023) provides spatially and temporally explicit landscape freeze thaw state retrievals for science and applications users. utf8 The software that generates the NASA Freeze/Thaw data product is the property of the University of Montana Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) and was transferred to the NASA data archice (DAAC) facility at the National Snow and Ice Data Center for public access. HDF5 HDF5-Version-1.10.6 dx.doi.org/10.5067 english NASA Measures Freeze/Thaw Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) daily global 25km resolution freeze thaw status classification for 1979-2023 As-Needed 2025-01-15 NASA Measures Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) Freeze Thaw status National Snow and Ice Data Center Boulder Colorado USA; and Univ. Montana NTSG The NASA Measures Freeze Thaw earth science data record (1979-2023) provides spatially and temporally explicit landscape freeze thaw state retrievals for science and applications users. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2025-01-15 Freeze-Thaw on-going geo-scientific-Information N/A 2016-10-27T14:45:00-07:00 Freeze Thaw cell latitude bin-center 586x1383 reference binary float32 image ft_cell_lat.h5 FT_CELL_LAT v5.1 N/A 2016-10-27T14:45:00-07:00 Freeze Thaw cell longitude bin-center 586x1383 reference binary float32 image ft_cell_lon.h5 FT_CELL_LON v5.1 http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/36SLCSCZU7N6 2000-01-01 SMMR -- Nimbus-7 SMMR Pathfinder Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperature SMMR_37V series SMMR Knowles K. E. G. Njoku R. Armstrong and M. Brodzik. 2000. Nimbus-7 SMMR Pathfinder Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures Version 1. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/36SLCSCZU7N6. http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0071 v1 http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/3EX2U1DV3434 1994 updated 2023 SSMI SSMI_37V series SSMI radiometer Armstrong R. K. Knowles M. Brodzik and M. A. Hardman. 1994 updated 2016. DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Pathfinder Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures Version 2. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/3EX2U1DV3434 http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0032 v1 10.1117/12.977774 2016-10-27 AMSR2 L1R Version 2.1 AMSR2 radar series AMSR2 TB series Imaoka K.; Takashi M.; Misako K.; Marehito K.; Norimasa I.; Keizo N. (2012). Status of AMSR2 instrument on GCOM-W1 earth observing missions and sensors: Development implementation and characterization II. Proc. SPIE 2012 852815 TBD L1R Version 2.1 http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/XIMNXRTQVMOX. 2006-01-01 AMSR AMSR series AMSR microwave Knowles K. M. Savoie R. Armstrong and M. Brodzik. 2006. AMSR-E/Aqua Daily EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures Version 1. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/XIMNXRTQVMOX. http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0071 v1 cell_lat: F/T coordinate variable for NS latitude axis cell_lat decimal degrees 86.716744 -86.716744 cell_lon: F/T coordinate variable for EW longitude axis cell_lon decimal degrees 179.86985778 -179.86985778 255 {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 25225, 3: 25225} LEGEND_QC_BIT_0 : INTERP 0: Brightness temperatures (Tb) WERE NOT interpolated, and 1: Tb WERE INTERPOLATED for this pixel. LEGEND_QC_BIT_1 : OWF 0: Open water fraction of pixel is less than or equal to 20%; and 1: Open water fraction is >20% for this pixel/day. LEGEND_QC_BIT_2 : LEG 0: Large Elevation Gradient less than or equal to 300m this pixel; and 1: Large elevation gradient >300m this pixel/day. LEGEND_QC_BIT_3 : PRECIP 0: NO Large precip event occurred this pixel/day; and 1: Large precip event DID OCCUR this pixel/day. LEGEND_QC_BIT_DESCRIPTION : Definition of how the daily, pixel-wise Freeze Thaw QC (0|1) bit values, for bits (0-3), are defined in an 8-bit QC word. ft_qc ft_qc bitfield-boolean(0|1) 1 0 255 {254: 564976, 0: 102838, 1: 45544, 253: 97080} LEGEND_FT_STATUS_000 : 0 is Frozen (AM/PM frozen) RGB{0,0,255) in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_001 : 1 is Thawed (AM/PM thawed) RGB{255,0,0) in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_002 : 2 is Transitional (AM frozen and PM thawed) RGB{168,168,0) in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_003 : 3 is Inverse Transitional (PM frozen and AM thawed) RGB{76,230,0) in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_252 : 252 no data RGB{255,255,255} in color images in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_253 : 253 non-cold constraint area RGB{200,200,200} in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_254 : 254 is 100 Percent open water RGB{255,255,255} in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_255 : 255 is Fillvalue RGB{255,255,255} in color images LEGEND_FT_STATUS_DESCRIPTION : Definition of the Freeze Thaw Vers 4 pixel classification by instr-year-Overpass-DayOfYear combination. LEGEND_FT_STATUS_DOMAIN : F/T codes for ESDR domain extent are (0,1,2,3) with all other pixels outside F/T domain ft_status 254 ft_status dimensionless 254 0