These three zip files are half_degree monthly and annual growing season average PDSI from 1979 to the previous year. The method of how PDSI is calculated is detailed in the Supporitng Online Material (SOM) for the 2010 Science paper (Zhao and Running, 2010). The data are stored in HDFEOS format with Geographic map projection. For the masked file, I use fill-value for these half-degree cells with MODIS non-vegetated land cover. Note that I have solved the spin-up issue by first running 1979 PDSI for 1,000 years so that soil water reach equalibrium with the 1979 monthly climate data (temperature and precipiation). Therefore, there is no such problem of initial status as mentioned in the SOM for the Science paper. Also note that when you calculate regional average, you must use area-weighted average since Geographic map projection is not an equal-area map projection, a mistake commonly made even by some top geo-scientists. You may use C, Python (PyNIO) or ENVI to read the data. I may update the data yearly. Dr. Maosheng Zhao Below is the head information of the HDFEOS For Monthly HDFEOS ******************************************************* field name: PDSI field rank: 3 field dimensional infomation: bands:PDSI 420 YDim:PDSI 360 XDim:PDSI 720 420 360 720 data type: float32 defined array in C: float32 data[420][360][720] scale_factor: 1.000000 scale_factor_err: 0.000000 add_offset: 0.000000 add_offset_err: 0.000000 calibrated_nt: 5 valid_range: -900.000000 900.000000 _FillValue: -999.000000 long_name: monthly PDSI from 1979 to 2013 units: none ******************************************************* For annual growing season average ******************************************************* field name: PDSI field rank: 3 field dimensional infomation: Bands:PDSI 35 YDim:PDSI 360 XDim:PDSI 720 35 360 720 data type: float32 defined array in C: float32 data[35][360][720] scale_factor: 1.000000 scale_factor_err: 0.000000 add_offset: 0.000000 add_offset_err: 0.000000 calibrated_nt: 5 valid_range: -900.000000 900.000000 _FillValue: -999.000000 long_name: growing season mean PDSI from 1979 to 2013 units: none *******************************************************