Dataset: Global fractional open water cover dynamics derived from SMAP, Version T (2015.6-2017.5) revised: 2017-08-27T16:05 Authors: Jinyang Du and John S. Kimball Contact Email: Purpose: Document NTSG SMAP fractional water dataset for distribution. Summary: This test version data set provides land surface fractional open water (fw) inundation dynamics over the globe for the period 2015/06-2017/05. The fw parameter is defined on a per grid cell basis and represents the aerial portion of a grid cell covered by open water. The fw parameter is estimated from daily L-band satellite microwave brightness temperature (Tb) retrievals. The data were produced based on a Difference Ratio method (Du et al.,2016;2017) using SMAP ascending L-band Tb observations and other ancillary inputs from UMT AMSR2 land parameter data record and GOES-5 land surface temperatures. Geographic extent: the globe (90.0/-180.0,90.0/180.0,-90.0/180.0,-90.0/-180.0) Temporal Coverage: 2015-06-01 to 2017-05-31 version: test