Original data were downloaded from ftp://e0srp01u.ecs.nasa.gov/srtm/version2/SRTM30/ I have delete the downloaded data because I have merged them together. The original nominal 1-km SRTM30 has 27 subsets with their corresponding head files, Maosheng Zhao merged then together, and also convert the original big-endian byte order into little endian. For the original central corner pixel based georeference, Maosheng Zhao also change it into outer boundary based georeference so that the data is easy to use under most cases. SRTM30_merged.int16 is the merged short 2-byte little endian inetger SRTM30 nominal 1-km data (0.00833333333333 degree resolution) and SRTM30_merged.int16.hdr is the ENVI head file. You can directly open the raw data combined the head file with ENVI software. I have zipped the files with gzip, and you need to decompress when using the data. For MODIS purpose, I have also rewrite SRTM30 data as HDF-EOS Sinusoidal 10-degree tiles. Note that for this version2 of SRTM30, there is no data south of latitude of -60 degree, and therefore, no 10-degree tiles for v15, v16 and v17 of MODIS 10-degree SIN subset system. To obtain elevation data south of -60 latitude, you need to turn to GTOPO30 dataset. Feb 23. 2009 Maosheng Zhao zhao@ntsg.umt.edu