By Huan wu, June 05, 2009 Stream Q and T (/Stream_Q_T),Produced by Huan Wu: (1) each file saves the daily result of stream flow or stream Temperature for each point in PNW. All data are saved in order of day as below: stream T file: day1, float; day2, float; .... stream flow file: day1, float (m3/day), float (mm/day); day2, float (m3/day), float (mm/day)..... In stream flow files, results are provided in two units. One is m3/day for the discharge of the outlet of each grid cell, and mm/day is the depth of the water when the total daily flow of the given grid cell is evenly distributed over all the upstream area. (2) the numbers in each file name are the row number and column number in the GIS grid file for the PNW. For example "routed_5_93.asc" --5 is the row number and 93 is the column number in the grid file which is the mask file we used to run the VIC model,DRT- routing model and stream temperature model. So given lat and lon of your interested station you can find which result file is for it.They can be calculated as below using the head info of the grid file (see "flowdir_PNW.asc"): The head info: ncols 1264 nrows 376 xllcorner 100.000000 yllcorner 31.014000 cellsize 0.125000 NODATA_value -9999 you will use the head file info to formulate the file name to read data: float lat_Interested=54.48333f; //the latitude of the station you got float lon_Interested=-131.669444f; //the longitude of the station you want to check out_Row=nrows; //the total rows in the mask grid out_Col=ncols; //the total columns in the mask grid ll_Lat_Out=(float)yllcorner; //the lat of the lowerleft point of the mask grid ll_Lon_Out=(float)xllcorner; //the lon of the lowerleft point of the mask grid resolution_Out=(float)cellsize; int row=out_Row-1-(int)((lat_Interested-ll_Lat_Out)/resolution_Out); //the row number in the output file int col=(int)((lon_Interested - ll_Lon_Out)/resolution_Out); //the column number in the output file (3) Notatice: Because there is a bug in the model which sometimes leads to the first value in the output data file as a NAN (Not a number). If it happens, just let value of the first day (Jan 1rst) equal to the scond day (Jan 2nd). This bug will be removed from the next simulation for NPR or Clifornia rivers. (4) for more background info in /examples_toolcodes, you can read the ppt file (NCEAS_May 2009.pptx) and "A routing model coupled stream temperature model-DRT_T.doc" (5) Some statistics as shown in the ppt file for the resutls of both the stream flow and stream T has been done with figures in the directory of /figures, where also is a IDL program file (, you may want to use to render the results. (6) two c/c++ files was in /examples_toolcodes as examples of reading the results.